DIS Datalign PCB Lay-Up System
Datalign series front-end automated lay-up system is for multilayer printed circuit board fabrication. Accepts all inputs including cores and prepreg. Robot automatically picks up the cores in correct order, including the prepreg, and lays up the panels.
DIS Inc.
KiCad 7.0 ECAD Software
KiCad 7.0.0 features custom font support in the schematic, PCB and worksheet editors, as well as text box support was added in both the schematic and PCB editors. Also includes support for 3Dconnexion’s SpaceMouse in the schematic, symbol library, PCB, and footprint editors and 3-D viewer, and an option for Sentry crash reporting data collection for Windows users. Plugin and Content Manager can now automatically check if an updated version of an installed package is available and prompt the user to update, and drag and drop handles have been added to several editors and viewers. Can now be packaged correctly as native Apple silicon processors (M1, M2, etc.), meaning it no longer has to run in emulation mode under the latest Apple hardware, and a separate command line interface has been implemented to allow scripting of many of the editor outputs.
Board and Footprint Editors now include optional check to determine if footprints have deviated from the library they are linked to, as well as a separate tab for ignored DRC tests. Two new DRC rule constraints have been added to custom rules, and custom rule severities can now be defined per custom rule. PCB Layout Tool enhancements include the addition of background bitmaps so that PCB traces and footprint layouts can be copied easily from some original reference PCB or footprint being reverse engineered, and it is now possible completely unroute a footprint. Traces can now be partially drawn, and the board editor can complete the trace the rest of the way to the nearest rats nest end. Selected items in board editor can attempt to automatically route traces between them. New search panel and properties panel have been added, and the algorithm that placed footprints on the PCB was improved to result in a more compact layout. STEP exporter also now uses the same PCB parsing engine as the rest of KiCad, which adds relative 3-D model paths to the footprint.
Kyocera AVX Radial-leaded Aluminum Capacitors
REA Series radial-leaded wet aluminum electrolytic capacitors exhibit high endurance (3,000-5,000 hr. at 105°C). Come in 28 capacitance values extending from 0.47µF to 22mF ±20%, 14 voltage ratings from 6.3VDC to 450VDC, and two rated operating temperature ranges: -40° to +105°C for 6.3–250V parts and -25° to +105°C for 350-450V parts. Are RoHS-compliant and lead-free compatible.
REF Series radial-leaded wet aluminum electrolytic capacitors exhibit low impedance, high ripple current capabilities, and high endurance (3,000-6,000 hr. at 105°C) in industrial applications including power supplies and filtering circuits. Come in 31 capacitance values from 6.8µF to 6.8mF ±20% and 10 voltage ratings from 6.3VDC to 120VDC and are rated for operating temperatures from -40° to +105°C. Are RoHS- and halogen-free compliant and lead-free compatible.
REH Series radial-leaded wet aluminum electrolytic capacitors exhibit high temperature, low impedance, and high ripple current capabilities as well as high endurance (2,000-3,000 hr. at 125°C) in industrial applications including power supplies and filtering circuits. Come in 24 capacitance values from 1.0µF to 4.7mF ±20% and 15 voltage ratings from 10VDC to 450VDC and are rated for operating temperatures from -40° to +125°C. Are RoHS- and halogen-free compliant and lead-free compatible.
Kyocera AVX
Numerical Innovations ACE 2D/3D Translator Version 8.3.0
ACE 2D/3D Translator Version 8.3.0 includes improvements to 3-D Step Export- optimized B-Reps curves detection to minimize outputted STEP file size; New Export as Wireframe- fast and useful for reference in various 3D Software tools; IPC-2581 Export- new option to export compressed files (*.tgz, *.zip); SVG Export- easily output optimized SVG files which can be useful for hundreds of purposes. Also includes full support for flex and rigid-flex designs by including new layer subtypes, stackup zones and more; open/save numerical workspace files (*.wrk) that are 100% compatible with FAB 3000 and CloudDFM.com; align layers in ACE Editor (menu: Edit | Align Layers) to easily align any input data before export.
Numerical Innovations
Stackpole ASR/ASRM Anti-surge Resistors
ASR/ASRM series of resistors offers high working voltages, high pulse voltage handling, and well-defined pulse behavior for high voltage applications such as HVAC controls, appliance and white goods controls, metering, automation, medical devices, digital storage, and surge protection devices. Handles surges ranging from 2KV for the ASRM14 up to 10KV for the ASRM1 and ASRM2. Is said to be a viable replacement for carbon composition resistors, providing improved electrical and environmental stability, better tolerance and TCR, with better long-term availability.
Ucamco Integr8tor and UcamX v2023.01
Integr8tor v2023.01 pre-CAM tool’s new features include yellow solder mask color, plated/non-plated/backdrill-to-copper clearance analysis, conditional formatting, agile job queue handling, improved performance and security, and DPMX import. UcamX v2023.01 CAM tool now features YELO Mask Adjuster, Object Summary Table, Magnifier II, Rout Manager, Input GDSII, SmartTest, CAD Output Gerber X2/X3, Input Drill/Rout, and check for update.
Vishay 172 RLX Capacitors
BCcomponents 172 RLX series of capacitors combine high ripple currents up to 4.9A, high temperature operation to +105°C, and useful life to 10,000 hr. in 14 case sizes ranging from 10mm by 12mm to 18mm by 40mm. AEC-Q200-qualified, and offer lower impedance, higher capacitance for a given case size and voltage, and up to 54% higher ripple current at the same capacitance-voltage (CV) rating in smaller case sizes than previous-generation solutions. Feature radial leads and a cylindrical aluminum case with pressure relief, insulated with a blue sleeve, and offer rated voltages up to 50V, capacitance from 150µF to 15 000µF, and impedance down to 0.011Ω at +20°C. Are charge- and discharge-proof, and suited for smoothing, filtering, and buffering in switch mode power supplies, DC/DC converters, motor drives, and control units for industrial, automotive, telecommunications, audio-video, and electronic data processing (EDP) applications.
Würth WCAP-FTXH Capacitors
WCAP-FTXH series of capacitors is ENEC 10, cULus, and CQC certified and belongs to the X2 safety class capacitors according to IEC 60384-14. Designed for 310V rated voltage and is said to pass a 1000 hr. test at 85°C and 85% relative humidity with the rated voltage applied. Operating temperature range extends from -40° to +110°C. Has self-healing properties through polypropylene dielectric and is available in 21 variants with different capacitance values (from 33nF to 10µF), voltage ramp-up rates, and insulation resistances. Has different sizes depending on values, and a pin pitch from 15mm to 37.5mm.
Würth Elektronik
AIM H10 Solder Paste
H10 halogen-free no-clean solder paste is capable of transfer efficiency greater than 90% on area ratios of 0.50 and a stencil life of more than 8 hr. Is said to eliminate NWO (HiP) defects and improve pad coverage on all surface finishes. Reduces voiding on BGA, BTC and LGA and offers enhanced electrochemical reliability on all low stand-off devices. Zero halogen per EN14562 and halide-free per IPC J-STD-004 and is compatible with AIM’s full line of no-clean flux chemistries. Fit for automotive, LED and aerospace assemblies.
AIM Solder
BuGang M/C Nozzle Cleaner Series
M/C Nozzle Cleaner series offers simultaneous cleaning of up to 24 nozzles at a speed of 12 seconds per nozzle. Offers leaning of the inside and outside of each nozzle and includes drying function. Can complete partial cleaning cycle based on dirtiness of nozzle, as well as timed drying option. Also includes push-button automatic mode. Features a convenient location to load cleaner supply and alerts when cleaner is low. Includes 3″ LCD screen to monitor operation, and notifies when cleaning is completed.
BuGang ENP
Dymax 9200-W Series Encapsulants and Adhesives
9200-W series of light-curable encapsulants and structural and optical-positioning adhesives is made without materials of concern known to cause skin sensitization. Formulated with low-sensitizing ingredients and have recognized irritants, such as IBOA, intentionally removed. Can be used alone or together in one device to create a total protective solution. Standard formulas can also be customized to meet specific application requirements. Can be used for structural bonding, sensor encapsulation, lens alignment, and selective coating, to secure and protect parts and eliminate component movement. Cures “on-demand” when exposed to UV/LED light energy, and some products feature secondary moisture cure for shadow areas. Not designed for direct skin contact, but is suitable to assemble applications worn on the body for short- or long-term periods, where extractable or leachable materials may be a concern.
Heraeus Innolot 2.0 Solder Paste
Microbond SMT660 Innolot 2.0 no-clean printing T4 solder paste is a high-reliability, high-performance solder paste that provides a competitive TCO offering. Permits a wide process window, enabling soldering in air with a low defect rate, and is designed to offer an optimized formulation for lower costs. Offers reduced cost while maintaining higher creep resistance, resulting in longer product life cycles at higher operating temperatures. Also performs in the air without additional N2 during reflow, while keeping defect rates low. Uses an acrylic-based synthetic resin eliminating potential batch-to-batch variations when using natural raw materials, and due to its low impurities and flux design, high SIR performance is achieved, reducing risk for electrochemical migration.
Heraeus Electronics
ITW EAE Vitronics Centurion+ Reflow Oven
Vitronics Centurion+ is an upgrade to the Centurion reflow soldering oven with added features to minimize maintenance and keep the process chamber cleaner. Features greater accessibility to components that require maintenance. Easily removable blow boxes with removable side plates make cleaning easier in the cooling area, and easily removable baffle boxes on infeed and outfeed reduces downtime for cleaning. Can be configured with Ultra Cathox to handle more than 50kg of solder paste per week while reducing maintenance requirements and keeping a clean process environment.
JOT M12 Test Handler
M12 Test Handler is a compact and modular test handler that features a capacity for up to 12 test boxes in a footprint of 0.25 sq. m. per test space. Uses the same M Test Boxes as the M1 and M5 and offers full interchangeability and independence when using manual test boxes, enabling an instant shift from prototype testing to fully automated inline testing. Features I4.0 autonomous interconnectivity, as well as the ability to use reusable, application-specific test boxes that also work fully independently offline.
JOT Automation
Rohm BD14210G-LA Current Sense Amplifier IC
BD14210G-LA current sense amplifier IC simplifies current sensing by connecting a shunt resistor and a bypass capacitor, which reduces the number of components from 11 to just three compared to conventional configurations. Decreases the mounting area by 46% (SSOP6 package) and achieves current detection of ±1% over the entire temperature range (-40° to +125°C). Internal circuitry prevents current detection accuracy from decreasing even when an external RC filter circuit for noise suppression is added. Features wide input voltage range (-0.2V to +26V) making it ideal for current sensing applications operating from 12V/24V power supplies. BD1421x-LA series will include a total of eight models, featuring both single-channel and dual-channels variants in four different gain settings (20, 50, 100, 200V/V).
Rohm Semiconductor
Rohm BD7xxL05G-C Primary LDOs
BD7xxL05G-C series of primary LDO regulators features a rated input voltage of 45V and 50mA output current optimized for redundant power supplies. Features compact size (2.9mm × 2.8mm), support for 125°C (ambient temperature) operation, qualification under the AEC-Q100 automotive reliability standard, and low current consumption demanded of automotive redundant power supplies. Can also be used as primary power supplies (45V rated input voltage). Also said to be highly resistant to disturbance noise, suppressing output voltage fluctuations to less than 50mV (<±1%) over the entire frequency band under ISO 11452-2 antenna irradiation testing.
Rohm Semiconductor
Shenmao PF735-PQ10-10L Solder Paste
PF735-PQ10-10L is a low melting point lead-free solder paste designed for SMT and is meant to increase production capacity in high-speed printing. Can reduce reflow temperature to below 190°C. Compared with SAC, reduces peak reflow temperature, energy consumption and warpage of PCBs and components. Compared to Sn42/Bi58 eutectic alloy, is said to offer better ductility, finer microstructure, and increased drop and thermal reliability. Suitable for precise electronic products, such as laptops, PCs, servers and LED modules. Halogen-free and complies with RoHS, RoHS 2.0 and REACH.
TechnoDigm LED UV Curing System
All-In-One LED UV curing system now includes optional integrated UV sensor. Features the ability to set a desired UV intensity in absolute figures instead of just percentages, real-time monitoring of UV intensity, and real-time auto compensation to ensure accurate results with a +/-2% intensity accuracy.